Thursday, September 3, 2020

Moral Conflict in Antigone Essay -- World Literature Sophocles

The significant good clash in Antigone by Sophocles is the contention over which worth is generally key. The play presents the ethical clash about whether the god's law or the city's law is all the more remarkable. This is by all accounts the most noticeable topic. The contention emerges predominantly between the terrible legends Antigone and her uncle-in-law Creon, King of Thebes. The city of Thebes had experienced a war in which Antigone and her sister Ismene have lost both of their siblings to it, Eteocles and Polyneices. Eteocles' battling for Thebes was covered and regarded as a legend. (lines 24-26) Polyneices was left unburied and disrespected in light of the fact that he is viewed as an adversary of the city. (lines 27-32) Creon declarations that whoever violated the law by covering Polyneices will be viewed as a lawbreaker. (lines 203-209) The contention among Antigone and Creon emerges when she concludes she should respect her sibling's demise and gives him entombment. (line 72) I myself will cover him, she communicated to Ismene. When Antigone has covered her sibling, she is brought before King Creon to clarify her activities. (p. 177) Sophocles presents the different sides of the contention, moral law versus city law; Antigone communicates the side of good law and Creon communicates his side with the laws of the city. Antigone starts by revealing to her sister Ismene it was her obligation as a sister that she ought to cover her dead sibling. It is an obligation she owes to her family. She additionally communicates that the ruler won't keep me from my own. at the end of the day, obligation to the family is over her obligation to the city. Antigone additionally reveals to Ismene that she is eager to turn into a lawbreaker and pass on for her convictions. She trusts her demise won't be futile, and it is regarding her f amily; and the divine beings, thus, will perceive... ...Ismene stands up to Creon and discloses to him she had a section in Polyneices entombment. (line 537) She is willing presently to join Antigone in her difficulties and isn't afraid to let it out. (line 539) She is eager to join Antigone in death. On account of Ismene, her character can resolve the contention all alone. She understands she is nothing without her family and Creon's laws have removed her family. The contention introduced in Antigone includes all the characters and sad legends. Regardless of whether its inward clash or struggle between two individuals, the topic is available all through the whole play. Contradicting sees lead the fundamental characters to take activities that in the long run crush all. Works Cited Sophocles. Antigone. Trans. Robert Fagles. Writing and the Writing Process. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X. Day, and Robert Funk. sixth. ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 2002.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Critical issue of global health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Basic issue of worldwide wellbeing - Assignment Example The information struck me, in view of basis, since wellbeing has developed to be a worldwide issue and worldwide endeavors, that may incorporate exchange of assets to meriting zones could be important. This would propose conveyance of assets to such territories as Africa and asia so as to help battle human services issues. despite what might be expected, an obstruction appears to exist and created nations is by all accounts illuminating their human services concerns and not stretching out assets to creating nations (World Health Organization, 2006). Variety in weight of malady across countries and areas additionally underpins the distinction out of luck and asset designation and distinguishes absence of worldwide endeavors in medicinal services, in spite of the proposed need (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2014). Such a variety distinguishes local and national endeavors and deficiencies, not worldwide, but then a few information recognizes these elements to be worldwide. O’Brien and Gostin (2011) clarifies that lack in social insurance laborers is a worldwide emergency, sabotaging the revealed local unevenness in the essential information. The irregularity makes the information striking as a result of either conceivable dynamism in the division that could have happened between times of the articles’ distribution or lack of quality of existing information on social insurance issues. the irregularity in this manner builds up requirement for another examination on the

Friday, August 21, 2020

My Worst Day of School Essay Example

My Worst Day of School Paper My most noticeably awful day of school was my first year. I had the most noticeably terrible day of school in the start of the year, September, to be definite. It wasn’t the primary day of school yet it was close. It began of as most horrendous long periods of school start, missing the transport. It wasn’t that I simply missed my transport it was that I was wearing wrinkled garments and my hair was completely destroyed too. At the point when I really got into the structure, the one beneficial thing transpired, I found a five dollar note on the floor. Yet, that karma wouldn’t keep going long, I ate fourth period and toward the finish of my table there was a lot of jerky seniors. These children consistently appeared to demolish my day. They had thumped over some cranberry squeeze all over my wrinkled white shirt, however that wasn’t the most noticeably awful of it, I didn’t have a shirt to change into after the episode. Obviously, it doesn’t stop there, at ninth period, I had exercise center class and I didn’t have a difference in garments, so I needed to wear the horribly wrinkled and recolored shirt. We will compose a custom exposition test on My Worst Day of School explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on My Worst Day of School explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on My Worst Day of School explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer At the point when I returned home I had heaps of schoolwork that must be done well away in light of the fact that soon thereafter my mom needed me to watch a bad film on oxygen with her. These films are obviously coordinated toward ladies and make a decent attempt as they can to make you cry. So my most exceedingly terrible day of school finished with my mom crying over the elderly person who never had adored anybody however the man she had quite recently lost to tuberculosis.

Friday, June 5, 2020

A Tale of Two 529 Mistakes

Financial Professional Content Mistakes happen. When your clients make mistakes, there may or may not be much they can do to fix them. Let's look at two common mistakes dealing with 529 plans. The first is taking a distribution from a 529 plan when you don't mean to. The second is forgetting to file the 5-year election on large contributions. Mistake #1: Taking a distribution from a 529 plan when you don't mean to This mistake happens when: Their client receives the distribution on December 30 but don't get around to paying the tuition bill until January 3. They inadvertently press the "total withdrawal" button on the 529 website when they meant to press the "partial withdrawal" button. Their daughter Sally is the one in college but they take the withdrawal from son Johnny's 529 account. In any of these situations, your clients cannot just return the money to the 529 plan. If they do, the plan will treat it as a new contribution--not as the reversal of the prior distribution. The withdrawal will still generate a Form 1099 that gets sent to both the taxpayer and to the IRS. The potential fix to this problem is to roll over the withdrawn funds (or some portion of them) to another 529 plan. The account owner only has 60 days from the date of withdrawal to do this. If they happen to still be within the 60-day window, they should thank their lucky stars. They just have to be sure to roll over to a different state's 529 plan if keeping the same beneficiary on the account. (They can go back into their existing 529 plan only if they are changing the beneficiary to another family member.) A word on the PATH Act and recontributions: A refund by an eligible educational institution of qualified higher education expenses paid with funds from a 529 plan can be recontributed to a 529 plan for which the student is the beneficiary, but must be made no more than 60 days after the date of the refund. So if, for example, the beneficiary were to drop a class and the college refunded the difference to the beneficiary, that amount would be eligible for recontribution if made within the 60 day window. RELATED: Oops, I withdrew too much 529 money! Mistake #2: Forgetting to file the 5-year election on large contributions to a 529 plan The 5-year election for large contributions to a 529 plan is made on Form 709, which is due by April 15 of the following year. The election breaks up the year's contributions into five equal chunks and causes the chunks to be recognized over five consecutive years for gift-tax purposes. Since the gift-tax annual exclusion is currently $14,000, the 5-year election allows frontloading as much as $70,000 ($140,000 for a couple) into a child's 529 account without necessarily causing a taxable gift. I hear it all the time from people who made a prior-year contribution to a 529 plan in an amount that exceeded that particular year's annual exclusion amount: "I meant to make the 5-year election but forgot to do it" or "I didn't know I had to file a form" or "I thought my spouse (or accountant) was going to take care of it." "What should I do now?" The account owner can make the 5-year election on a late-filed Form 709. There is no penalty for being late with Form 709 when no taxes are owed, and the $5.25 million lifetime exemption on taxable gifts makes it highly unlikely that any gift taxes will actually be due. RELATED: 10 rules for superfunding a 529 plan Originally posted 2014-01-30 Financial Professional Content Mistakes happen. When your clients make mistakes, there may or may not be much they can do to fix them. Let's look at two common mistakes dealing with 529 plans. The first is taking a distribution from a 529 plan when you don't mean to. The second is forgetting to file the 5-year election on large contributions. Mistake #1: Taking a distribution from a 529 plan when you don't mean to This mistake happens when: Their client receives the distribution on December 30 but don't get around to paying the tuition bill until January 3. They inadvertently press the "total withdrawal" button on the 529 website when they meant to press the "partial withdrawal" button. Their daughter Sally is the one in college but they take the withdrawal from son Johnny's 529 account. In any of these situations, your clients cannot just return the money to the 529 plan. If they do, the plan will treat it as a new contribution--not as the reversal of the prior distribution. The withdrawal will still generate a Form 1099 that gets sent to both the taxpayer and to the IRS. The potential fix to this problem is to roll over the withdrawn funds (or some portion of them) to another 529 plan. The account owner only has 60 days from the date of withdrawal to do this. If they happen to still be within the 60-day window, they should thank their lucky stars. They just have to be sure to roll over to a different state's 529 plan if keeping the same beneficiary on the account. (They can go back into their existing 529 plan only if they are changing the beneficiary to another family member.) A word on the PATH Act and recontributions: A refund by an eligible educational institution of qualified higher education expenses paid with funds from a 529 plan can be recontributed to a 529 plan for which the student is the beneficiary, but must be made no more than 60 days after the date of the refund. So if, for example, the beneficiary were to drop a class and the college refunded the difference to the beneficiary, that amount would be eligible for recontribution if made within the 60 day window. RELATED: Oops, I withdrew too much 529 money! Mistake #2: Forgetting to file the 5-year election on large contributions to a 529 plan The 5-year election for large contributions to a 529 plan is made on Form 709, which is due by April 15 of the following year. The election breaks up the year's contributions into five equal chunks and causes the chunks to be recognized over five consecutive years for gift-tax purposes. Since the gift-tax annual exclusion is currently $14,000, the 5-year election allows frontloading as much as $70,000 ($140,000 for a couple) into a child's 529 account without necessarily causing a taxable gift. I hear it all the time from people who made a prior-year contribution to a 529 plan in an amount that exceeded that particular year's annual exclusion amount: "I meant to make the 5-year election but forgot to do it" or "I didn't know I had to file a form" or "I thought my spouse (or accountant) was going to take care of it." "What should I do now?" The account owner can make the 5-year election on a late-filed Form 709. There is no penalty for being late with Form 709 when no taxes are owed, and the $5.25 million lifetime exemption on taxable gifts makes it highly unlikely that any gift taxes will actually be due. RELATED: 10 rules for superfunding a 529 plan Originally posted 2014-01-30

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Who Invented the First Loudspeaker

The very first form of loudspeaker came to be when telephone  systems were developed in the late 1800s. But it was in 1912 that loudspeakers really became practical -- due in part to electronic amplification by a  vacuum tube. By the 1920s, they were used in radios, phonographs,  public address systems  and theater sound systems for  talking motion pictures. What is a Loudspeaker? By definition, a loudspeaker  is an  electroacoustic  transducer that converts an electrical  audio signal  into a corresponding  sound. The most common type of loudspeaker today is the  dynamic speaker. It was invented in 1925 by  Edward W. Kellogg  and Chester W. Rice. The dynamic speaker operates on the same basic principle as a  dynamic microphone, except in reverse to produce sound from an electrical signal. Smaller loudspeakers are found in everything from radios and televisions to portable audio players,  computers and  electronic musical instruments. Larger loudspeaker systems are used for music,  sound reinforcement  in theaters and concerts  and in  public address systems. First Loudspeakers Installed in Telephones Johann Philipp Reis  installed an electric loudspeaker in his  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹telephone  in 1861 and  it could reproduce clear tones as well as reproduce muffled speech.  Alexander Graham Bell  patented his first electric loudspeaker capable of reproducing intelligible speech  in 1876 as part of his telephone. Ernst Siemens improved upon it the following year. In 1898, Horace Short earned a patent for a loudspeaker driven by compressed air. A few companies  produced record players using compressed-air loudspeakers, but these designs had poor sound quality and could not reproduce sound at a low volume. Dynamic Speakers Becomes the Standard The first practical moving-coil (dynamic) loudspeakers were made by Peter L. Jensen  and  Edwin Pridham  in 1915 in  Napa, California. Like previous loudspeakers, theirs used horns to amplify the sound produced by a small diaphragm. The problem, however, was that Jensen could not get a patent. So they changed their target market to radios and  public address systems  and named their product  Magnavox. The moving-coil technology commonly used today in speakers was patented in 1924 by  Chester W. Rice  and  Edward W. Kellogg.   In the 1930s, loudspeaker manufacturers were able to boost  frequency response  and  sound pressure  level.  In 1937, the first film industry-standard loudspeaker system was introduced by  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer​. A very large two-way  public address  system was mounted on a tower in Flushing Meadows at the  1939 New York Worlds Fair.   Altec Lansing  introduced the  604  loudspeaker in 1943 and  his  Voice of the Theatre loudspeaker system was sold beginning in 1945. It offered better coherence and clarity at the high output levels necessary for use in movie theaters.The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences immediately began testing its sonic characteristics and they made it the  film house  industry standard in 1955. In 1954,  Edgar Villchur  created the  acoustic suspension  principle of loudspeaker design in  Cambridge, Massachusetts. This design delivered  better bass response and was important during the transition to stereo recording and reproduction. He and his partner  Henry Kloss  formed the  Acoustic Research  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹company to manufacture and market speaker systems using this principle.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gandhi`s Achivements and Failures Essay - 961 Words

amp;#65279; Gandhi was an influential figure in our society. He taught many people about equal rights, honouring thy neighbour, and peace and tranquillity. Although at times his actions were deemed improbable and insane nevertheless, they were effective. Life of Mohatama Gandhi; his goals he accomplish for freedom for South Africa; and how Mohatama finally obtained freedom for India. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born in the present state of Gujarat on October 2, 1869. He was educated in law at University College, London. In 1891, after Gandhi was admitted to the British bar, he returned to India and attempted to create a law practice in Bombay, which failed. Two years after his failure, and India firm with interests†¦show more content†¦Indian streets were covered with Indians who would not get up even if beaten by police. Gandhi was then arrested but the British were forced to release him soon after. The economic aspects of the movement were significant. It resulted in extreme poverty in the country and almost utter destruction of Indian home industries. In order to quell the poverty Gandhi, allowed the revival of cottage industries. Gandhi then began using a spinning wheel as a sign of returning to the simple village life he had preached about. Gandhi became the international symbol of a free India. By the method of passive resistance, Britain too would consider violence useless and leave India. In 1921 the Indian National Congress gave Gandhi complete executive authority. Then, many revolts occurred against Great Britain. Gandhi then confessed the failure of his civil-disobedience method and ended it. The British government once again arrested and imprisoned him in 1922. When Gandhi was released in 1924 he concentrated on communal unity. In 1930, Gandhi announced a new method of civil disobedience, refusing to pay taxes, especially taxes on salt. This method created the quot;Salt March.quot; Thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea, where they made salt by evaporating seawater. Once more Gandhi was arrested but was released in 1931, stopping his methods after the British government agreed to some of his demands. In 1932, Gandhi began a new civil

Case Study - Creative Advertising-Sunday Communication Ltd free essay sample

The graph shows that for 1998 1999, Sunday had a substantial growth in market, mainly attributing to its view of MNP as an opportunity to lure subscribers away from competitors through Creative Advertising The graph shows that for 1998 2005, Sunday had spent less year on year on promotional activities, but could sustain increasing revenue year on year by increasing subscriber base through price discounts 4 The graph shows that for 1998 1999, Sunday’s Brand Image creation with high revenue growth in subsequent years while marketing cost kept on varying. Few of the main reasons why Sunday’s Brand Matra and awareness of 1999 could not sustain beyond 2005: 1. Emotional Modifier as â€Å"Life Style† Descriptive Modifier as â€Å"Excitement† failed to get reinforced by the Brand Function of â€Å"Liberty†. 2. Exhaustion of Locked-Up consumers. 3. Since heavy investment is made on 3G, Sunday might have planned to Reposition itself differently. Questions at Stake 1. How would Sunday compete in the new era of interactive integrated marketing? 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study Creative Advertising-Sunday Communication Ltd or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Would the PCCW acquisition challenge the credibility of the innovative, independent brand image that made Sunday such a success? 3. Would Sunday’s irreverent brand image ultimately fizzle out among the new branding superstar? Creative Advertising is an unique key to success through advertising, and you’ll most likely get an answer that echoes the mantra of Stephan Vogel, Ogilvy Mather Germany’s chief creative officer: â€Å"Nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. Creative advertising is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less media spending, and builds a fan community faster. † 5