Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why Are Cosmetics So Attractive to Adolescent Girls Speech or Presentation

Why Are Cosmetics So Attractive to Adolescent Girls - Speech or Presentation Example I feel that my aims and objectives were simple but relevant. Young girls’ self-esteem usually plummets as they reach adolescence because it is the time when they are developing their own identities. The research question opens up to a world of possibilities in terms of topics to discuss in the literature. The literature review provided much information about the topic at hand and more. It is comprehensive enough to cover the history of cosmetics, societal influence on women to look good, the beauty myth propagated by media and other media influences, adolescence and some theories that relate to the building of their self-esteem.   All these come together to explain some possible answers to the research question for this study. The use of questionnaires and focus group discussion will allow me to delve deeper into the issue with actual adolescent girls aged 13 to 17. I will get the opportunity to hear their insights first-hand as they discuss within a group the following questions: - Do you use cosmetics? If yes, which ones? - - How often do you use cosmetics? - Why do you use cosmetics? - How do you feel when you use cosmetics? - Do you use cosmetics with your friends? - How do you think people see you when you use cosmetics? - What do you think you can get out of using cosmetics? Right now, it seems so easy because I am only visualizing it, but I am sure that there will be several challenges along the way such as seeking the necessary permissions to conduct the study or dealing with uncooperative participants. In terms of preparation, I guess I failed to anticipate what I would feel in front of an audience. My stage fright was terrible but it was good that I had a small audience of people I knew. It was also great that they were so supportive. I think it is because they can relate to my situation because each of us had our turn presenting. I need to learn to be more confident in speaking. I know being prepared with my talk is a must, but I should learn to loosen up and be more candid, be open to whatever possibilities that may arise during my presentation.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Globalization and Democratic Policies essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Globalization and Democratic Policies - Essay Example ipate in political rallies, community activities, direct association with political leaders and trade union protests enjoy the common ground of equality. When the majority of citizens in the society are charged with the duty to make decisions binding on the whole society we term that democracy. Political equality can justify the form of democratic government in various ways that allow empowerment of citizens to grow socially and economically while enjoying their civil rights. The society is held together by a joint action towards realizing a certain common goal. When citizens put aside their partisanship, they will realize that development is indispensible in society. Hence, the need to work together as a team is created. Thus in the light of political equality communities are built and developed through the enabling environment of unity (Kropf 2003). Citizens can promote legitimacy when they are involved in political activities. It is through seeing people as equals before the law that will only prompt their participation in affairs concerning their governance. For instance giving people a chance to vote their leaders will ensure satisfaction with the vote results even if they lose. In most cases, citizens learn to obey the laws and little police control is required to bring order. It becomes a culture by citizens to always get the right things done as they are fueled by the universal call for equality, justice, and unity. Democratic governments are easily identified by the warm and fruitful relationships they enjoy with their subjects through maintaining order and law. Involving people in making policies and laws will instill a sense of ownership making the laws to earn protection from the very citizens it is meant for. Contesting for any seat during national elections must be made open to anybody regardless of gender, colour, religion and race as long as the individual meets the basic requirement of the constitution and citizenship to that country. In